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Japanese Puffer Fish – Kick Start

Task Description: Hi guys for my 2cnd SLJ I made a Japenese puffer fish using shapes on Google drawing. I used a picture to look at for inspiration. My puffer fish is spikey and cute. I spent around 20 minutes and I got a great result. Hopefully you try making something like mine in the future. I use a lot of circle shapes for most of the parts, I even used the polyline for some parts. Are you able to see a water drop shapes that are used for the spikes? Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog and I might reply.

Cartoons Collectibles – Kick Start

Task Description: For my first SLJ we had to make Disney underwater charatcers. For my Disney underwater character I decided to draw Squirt which is a little turtle from Finding Nemo. 1 fact about the turtle is Squirt’s voice actor is Nicholas Bird. Sqiurt is a cute little turtle it’s personality is optimistic. I hope you like my drawing. Remember to leave a positive comment on my Blog! Ty and Bye!!:)

Podcast: Create a Paper Plane!

Task Description: For this terms creative space takes we have been creating a Paper Plane using the four forces of flight. In this presentation I made a hunter paper plane. I wrote a script all about the four forces of flight and the instructions to making the hunter paper plane. I recorded me reading the script I wrote, I made sure it was at least 3 minutes long. I tried using the key information that you need to know. The hunter paper plane is a distance and time aflot. This was a very funny exprience making paper Planes but having to make it at least 3 minutes long for the video and script was very exchausting. Please leave me a positive comment on my blog, Tyy:)

Team 4 Term 3 Karawhiua Give it Heaps! 2024

Task Description: This term I have been focusing on showing the topic for this year, Karawhiua Give it Heaps! I tried showing this by making an animation all about a sport which is artistic gymnastics. This animation of mine shows a gymnast peforming a bow and arrow into a backbend. Overall I think I did my best and that it turned out really good in the end. I hope you enjoyed. Remeber to leave a positive comment on my blog and I might reply. Tyy and Bye 🙂

Eassy Writing

Task Description: For this weeks writing task we had to write an eassy about one topic. I chose the topic “What makes a good friend?” This is just a little practise for when I really need to start writing eassys. I tried my very best to get this all done and make it sound sence. Overall not my fav writing task but it mid. Please leave a positive comment on my blog and I might reply! TYSM!!:)

Human Anatomy

Task Description: For this weeks reasearch task we learnt all about the Human Anatomy which is all about the important parts in our bodies. We had to all research the answers and read an article all about our Human Anatomy. These answer helped us write in our own words to answer all the questions. In the end of finshing it was hard, I did get help from my firend, so credits to her! Please remember to leave me a positive comment on my blog.

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

Task Description: For this weeks writing task we are learning what are simple, compound and complex sentences and how to make one. We had to identify what type of sentence it was and had to write one our own. Our last slide is where we had to use 3 sentences and 1 represents simple, compound and complex from our story we are reading this week. I hope you enjoy, if you have any feedback please leave a positive comment on my blog and I might reply. TYSM!! 🙂

Ancient but earthquake-proof!

Task Description: For this weeks second book I read was called “Ancient but earthquake-proof!” It was all about how this old temple was made almost two thousand five hundred years ago. Although the temple was made all those years ago, this building is Earth-quake proof, which means that this old structure is still standing after these harsh multiple earth-quakes. I enjoyed doing this task it was very fun but kinda of hard at the same time. Remember to please leave a positive comment on my blog. Hope you enjoyed byee!!

Nutritional Information

Task Description: Yesterday for the rotation day this was my second to last rotation. I was in room 8 for this task and we were given slides to complete and there was sentences for us to read all about deffreint types of ingredients. We had to write in our own words about what it is. Then we would find photos on Google to use for low and high for each thing. I had fun doing it and was not very hard. Check out my task down below. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Healthier snack food Options

Task Desription: Today we had our litrecy rotation and my second rotations was with Ms Tumahi. We filled out a slide where we had to type in the sugars, sodium’s and many more. Beside we would type down the amount of it in it. The healthy snack we made was a banana peanut butter wrap which was healthier then a bag of potato chips. Check out my presintation down below and please leave a positive comment on my blog.