Tag: inquiry

Bus Stop and Freeze Frame

Task Description: For our new focus topic of term 2 we are learning about emotions through drama and acting. For Ms Parrnat’s inquiry task we did bus stop and freeze frame. For bus stop we had 5 deffreint papers that had pictures on it and we had to write what emotion they were feeling by there boday language and emotions. For freeze frame we had to freeze and show emotions and body language of certin parts about Goldilocks and the Tree Bears. Check out my work and please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Underwater Robots

Task Desription: Today I have finished the Underwater Robots task and I really liked how it turned out. So what my robot is for is it has fins to move around at the bottom of the sea and the camera eye is for me to see using a controller and the megnatic hands are for picking metal things like metal jewlery. If you have a question to ask me pls leave a comment on my blog. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!:)