Bus Stop and Freeze Frame

Task Description: For our new focus topic of term 2 we are learning about emotions through drama and acting. For Ms Parrnat’s inquiry task we did bus stop and freeze frame. For bus stop we had 5 deffreint papers that had pictures on it and we had to write what emotion they were feeling by there boday language and emotions. For freeze frame we had to freeze and show emotions and body language of certin parts about Goldilocks and the Tree Bears. Check out my work and please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Dawn Parade Response to Text

Task Description: For todays story we are reading a story called Dawn Parrade. We had to do a response to text about answering really easy questions acorrding to the book. The questions were really easy and it was really fun to do because it was pretty easy. The answers are the ones that are bold check it out below.

How does the fact that the story begins when it’s “very dark” and the house is “quiet” contribute to the overall mood?
a) It creates a feeling of excitement and anticipation.
b) It establishes a sense of peace and tranquillity.
c) It sets a sombre and respectful tone.
d) It makes the story feel suspenseful and mysterious.

Why does Leo ask his dad if it’s far to the war memorial?
Because he had never been to a dawn parade before and was wondering how far it was.

3. How does the text describe the people waiting at the war memorial?
a) They are cheering and talking loudly.
b) They are impatient and restless.
c) They are silent and respectful.
d) They are singing songs together.

What does the woman with the gold chain do at the ceremony?
a) She reads a poem.
b) She gives a speech.
c) She plays a bugle.
d) She lays a wreath of flowers.

Why do people sing the national anthem at the end of the dawn parade?
So it would feel like they were being respectful of the soldiers that have passed away.

What is the significance of the poppies placed at the memorial?
a) They are a symbol of victory and celebration.
b) They represent hope for a peaceful future.
c) They honour the people who died in wars.
d) They are just a decorative flower.

Why does Leo say he hopes “no one else dies in wars”?
Because he doesn’t want any good people to die anymore during the war.

What does the rising sun at the end of the story symbolise?
Because it was also dawn when New Zealand and Australian soldiers landed on the beach at Gallipoli.

Besides the information in the story, what can you infer about Dad’s character?
He is a very good man and he cares about the ones who have passed away and the people who haven’t.

Why do you think dawn parades are important?
Because it’s all about when the Australian and New Zealand soldiers passed away during the wars.

Camp Thankyou Letter

Task description: Last week we had our year 5 and 6 camp at Pt England School. This week we have been creating thankyou letters to some of our amazing helpers. We also had to create an image to go with our thankyou card. Check out my thankyou card for Whaea Saf below!

Khai Yi
130 Point England Road
Point England

Whaea Saf
130 Point England Road
Point England

Monday 11th March 2024

Dear Whaea Saf,

Thank you so much for your amazing teaching at our really cool school camp. Your Maori arts and crafts activities I found were really enjoyable. Making different string designs, and trying the high note challenge is especially fun. I really love your silly jokes because they are so funny and they just make everything better. I had so much fun learning different types of Maori arts and I hope you enjoyed doing it with us. Thank you for giving your time to make camp more enjoyable and I really appreciate it and it was probably my favourite activity.

Yours sincerely, 

Khai Yi (Room 7)

About Me | Ko Wai Ahau

Hello my name is YiYi and I am a year 6 at Pt England school. This year my teacher is Miss Parrant and I am in room 7.

I like to draw if I have any time to. I enjoy playing volleyball outside if it’s not too sunny. When I grow up I want to be an actress.

My favourite show is Heartstopper because I think it’s such a good show. My favourite subject at school is art because I think I am kinda good at it.

My favourite sport is volleyball because I don’t really like other types of sports. On the weekends I play volleyball outside. I am 10 years old and I am turning 11 this year.

I have 1 brother and 2 sisters. Their names are Aung, Aye, and Shwe Shwe.

Please check out my learning and leave a positive comment on my blog.


A long creaky bridge leading to a cliff and mysterious dusty old church. Wooden brown sail boats approaching the church. Fences leading to the bridge. There is a sign that was shoved into the grass. The grass has the perfect soil to grow healthy vegetables. The river was flowing very slowly so not like waves but it’s moving.

The sky is gloomy like it was about to shatter in tears. Blurry white clouds filled in the sky just like fluffy ginormous marshmallows that there were only little places to see the sky. The river was pitch black. Dark trees surrounding the nearby church. People on their sail boats paddling to the bridge.

Te Tiriti

Task Decription: This if my create task of my rules for pt england to follow for it to be a good year. I tried to think of the most best words they came up into my mind. I know it’s not that many words but also know that these are the main words that are best that I could think of. I felt calm and foucsed while doing this because it was calming because didn’t really had much to do and I was foucsed because I needed to think about the best words.