Tag: Summer Learning Journey

Japanese Puffer Fish – Kick Start

Task Description: Hi guys for my 2cnd SLJ I made a Japenese puffer fish using shapes on Google drawing. I used a picture to look at for inspiration. My puffer fish is spikey and cute. I spent around 20 minutes and I got a great result. Hopefully you try making something like mine in the future. I use a lot of circle shapes for most of the parts, I even used the polyline for some parts. Are you able to see a water drop shapes that are used for the spikes? Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog and I might reply.

Cartoons Collectibles – Kick Start

Task Description: For my first SLJ we had to make Disney underwater charatcers. For my Disney underwater character I decided to draw Squirt which is a little turtle from Finding Nemo. 1 fact about the turtle is Squirt’s voice actor is Nicholas Bird. Sqiurt is a cute little turtle it’s personality is optimistic. I hope you like my drawing. Remember to leave a positive comment on my Blog! Ty and Bye!!:)